Marketing and Sales, Over Cocktails
Marketing and Sales, Over Cocktails
049: Do You Need a Marriage Counselor for Your Sales & Marketing? w/GINA BALARIN
When surveyed by Hubspot a few years ago, over 1000 people said that they trust their barista more than they trust a sales person, or a marketing ad or company.
Think about that for a what's the problem here?
Let's find out with this great episode of Marketing and Sales, Over Cocktails when marketing guru, GINA BALARIN talks about this and the many other relationships between sales and marketing, and your business and customers.
As the founder of Verballistics and the author of The Secret Army: Leadership, Marketing & the Power of People, Gina spends a lot of time thinking about how marketers can increase trust with a suspicious audience.
Bringing the value in episode 49 by discussing how you can flip the marketing funnel around and work your way backwards to find out what your customers want so they truly want to see your ads. You’re going to hear:
● What IRATE is and why you should apply it to your marketing.
● Why you should ask your customers questions.
● And why you should brace yourself for raw and honest answers
What’s Inside:
● What does couple’s counseling look like for a dysfunctional sales and marketing team?
● In the old days, marketing communication models were about the sender and the receiver, but those days are turned on their head with internet marketing.
● Bad conversion rates are going to come back and bite you if 75% of the people who see your product walk away.
● What “big rock content” is and why it’s so incredibly valuable for your marketing.
Mentioned in this Episode:
The 7 Secrets to Selling More By Selling Less
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The Secret Army
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